The Grant…

In fall of 2010, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation awarded a $141,000 grant from the Transportation Enhancement (TE) Planning Program to Portage County to undertake long-range planning related to non-vehicular travel (i.e. bicycle and pedestrian activity). The scope of work for the project is quite extensive, including:

  • an analysis of existing policies and practices regarding bicycle and pedestrian facilities;
  • an inventory and analysis of these facilities;
  • public participation to understand how people currently use, and might like to use these facilities;
  • recommendations for how a logical, useful network of facilities might evolve;
  • creation of basic design guidelines for how facilities should be constructed to make for a uniform future network;
  • identification of policies to assist in moving bicycle/pedestrian awareness and accommodation forward.

Also included in the facility analysis is a review of school access to be used in future Safe Routes to School planning.

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